What is Hypnobirthing?



I've been teaching hypnobirthing for a long time now and I really mean it when I say it truly is a game-changer when it comes to navigating birth.

Now, I get it – the term "hypnobirthing" might sound a bit out there, a bit airy-fairy / hippy-dippy even and it’s common to feel a tad sceptical at first. After all, birthing a human is a monumental task, and the idea of using hypnosis might raise an eyebrow or two. But here’s the thing: hypnobirthing is not some mystical hocus-pocus; it’s a logical, evidence-based approach grounded in science.... AND there's way more to Hypnobirthing than the actual Hypnosis part! 

Think of it as a toolkit for a calm and comfortable birth, supported by facts and statistics. It's not about stage hypnosis and magic spells, but rather lots of little things that, when pieced together, make a huge difference to your birth experience. So, let’s address the scepticism head-on and discover how Hypnobirthing can turn your birthing journey into a confident and empowering experience, no matter what your birth plan entails..

  • Logic, Evidence, and Science

    First things first, Hypnobirthing is logical, evidence-based, and rooted in science. Hypnobirthing is a practical approach to childbirth that’s backed by solid evidence and science. It just makes sense!

  • Calm & Comfortable Birth

    Imagine going into labour with a partner equipped with a toolkit built to support you in having a more relaxed and comfy birth experience. That’s hypnobirthing in a nutshell. It’s like combining antenatal education with a bunch of tools and techniques that help you sail through birth with a sense of calm.

  • Bring on the Benefits

    Hypnobirthing isn’t just a concept; it’s backed by facts and statistics. It’s linked to shorter labours, reduced need for pain relief, and a higher likelihood of spontaneous vaginal birth.

  • Support for Birth Partners

    As much as this is all about you, hypnobirthing is for birth partners too. They learn how to be the ultimate support for you during birth, knowing how to assist and encourage in the best possible way.

  • Education is Empowerment

    I’m a strong believer in the more knowledge you have the more powerful you become. That’s why I make sure that I am continuously learning about changes to guidelines, and other birth and baby related practices to ensure you get the most up-to-date informtion.

  • Confidence for Any Birth Scenario

    No matter what kind of birth you’re aiming for – medicated, non-medicated, natural, or assisted – hypnobirthing sets you up for confidence. Whether it’s forceps, ventouse, or C-section, you’ll feel empowered and ready.

Hypnobirthing is a rubbish name!

One of the biggest things that puts people off about Hypnobirthing is the name itself. They hear the word 'Hypno' birthing and automatically think stage hypnosis. Let me assure you, there's no clucking like chickens, dancing around like a numpty or telling me your innermost secrets. I promise! The 'Hypno' in Hypnobirthing refers to two things: Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis.

The ‘Hypno’ in Hypnobirthing

When I talk about hypnosis, I'm referring to Self-hypnosis. This means that you are the one in control at all times. You put yourself into hypnosis and you can take yourself out of it whenever you want to. When you are deeply relaxed, your brain is better able to take in information and store it, and that's where hypnotherapy comes in.
All hypnosis really is, is a totally relaxed state of mind. It's a bit like 'the lights are on but no one is home'. This is the state of mind you want to be in when you're in labour, as this is what helps you get out of your overthinking brain and open up your unconscious birthing brain. You'll learn more about this in the course. This is why you'll been given a range of hypnosis tracks to listen to, as they are cleverly designed to take you into deep relaxation.

Hypnotherapy uses the tools of words and language to change how you think and feel about things. You may have heard of hypnotherapy being used to help people to stop smoking, to lose weight or maybe even to help with phobias.

You're going to use it to change how you think and feel about birth, and each night you can go to bed listening to a lovely hypnosis track. It'll help you drift off into a deep state of self-hypnosis, and then the script that's used will help to embed positive suggestions into your mind. Pretty cool, isn't it? 

Ready to Transform Your Birth Experience?

Ready to Transform Your Birth Experience?

Ready to transform your birth journey into an empowered experience? Join my hypnobirthing courses and invest in yourself. Gain evidence-based knowledge and tools for a smoother, calmer birth. Imagine feeling confident, in control, and fully supported, no matter how your birth unfolds. Don't wait - take the step towards your very own unique and empowered birth story.